Ffmpeg vcodec h264
Ffmpeg vcodec h264

ffmpeg vcodec h264

matched as option 'b' (video bitrate (please use -b:v)) with argument '15M'. matched as option 'vf' (set video filters) with argument '-c:v'. matched as input url with argument 'normal-desktop-use-1440p.mkv'. matched as option 's' (set frame size (WxH or abbreviation)) with argument '2560x1440'. matched as option 'pix_fmt' (set pixel format) with argument 'yuv420p'.

ffmpeg vcodec h264

matched as option 'f' (force format) with argument 'rawvideo'. matched as option 'filter_hw_device' (set hardware device used when filtering) with argument 'hw'. matched as option 'init_hw_device' (initialise hardware device) with argument 'qsv=hw'. matched as option 'loglevel' (set logging level) with argument 'debug'.

ffmpeg vcodec h264

I get the following error: Splitting the commandline. #Same with raspberry Pi special encoder (omx - which seems not to be only about Raspberry Pi), without and with target bitrate specification.įfmpeg -f v4l2 -video_size 1280x800 -i /dev/video0 -codec:v h264_omx output-1280x800-h264.mkvįfmpeg -f v4l2 -video_size 1280x800 -i /dev/video0 -codec:v h264_omx -b:v 2048k output-1280x800-h264-bitrate2048k.mkvįfmpeg -i inputFile.avi -codec:v h264_omx outputFile-1280x800-h264.mkvįfmpeg -i inputFile.avi -codec:v h264_omx -b:v 2048k outputFile-1280x800-h264-bitrate2048k.Ffmpeg -init_hw_device qsv=hw -filter_hw_device -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -s:v 2560x1440 -i normal-desktop-use-1440p.mkv -c:v h264_qsv. #Standards encoders (not for Raspberry Pi unless you are not hurry)įfmpeg -f v4l2 -video_size 1280x800 -i /dev/video0 -codec:v libx264 output-x264.mkvįfmpeg -f v4l2 -video_size 1280x800 -i /dev/video0 -codec:v libx265 output-x265.mkv #Doing a raw "capture and place to file" with input resolution specified (still using mux depending on file extension)įfmpeg -f v4l2 -video_size 1280x800 -i /dev/video0 -codec copy output.avi #Listing available formats and resolutions for the capture input :įfmpeg -f v4l2 -list_formats all -i /dev/video0 Code: Select all #Listing available ffmpeg codecs (encoding and decoding)

Ffmpeg vcodec h264